Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ah...I'm figuring out these wikis

Today while waiting in a doctor's office I thought of a way that we could introduce wikis into the classroom. I know that there are multitudes of applications but I need to take baby steps to get familiar with everything. Every year our GATE students are responsible for creating a play to present to the entire school. I am not part of the GATE instruction; however they meet weekly in the library on Friday afternoons. Quite frequently I am present re-shelving the weeks returns or cataloguing. I have the opportunity to observe.

The students decide upon a theme, revolving around a subject supplied by the teacher. They are responsible for dividing into groups and electing individuals to be in charge. For example, they would select a Director (overall coordinator), props (with one student in charge), script (with one student in charge), etc.

The wiki could be created by the teacher to coordinate every one's efforts for the production as a whole. Each individual group could add their link to wiki their individual progress. The group managers would be able to see how the group was working within their designated categories and the teacher would be able to oversee everyone...stepping as needed. It could be done quickly rather than on a weekly basis.

Sometimes it is a little more intimidating for me to step outside of the box. Oh...another flash as I type....I will post this in the "sandbox".


IrmaPince said...

A good idea - and a great reminder to play in the sandbox.

Libladylib said...

Glad to see you moving right along! The wikis are pretty cool. Seems the hardest part is convincing people to use it. Your idea is awesome. Good Luck.

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Please post your wiki idea in our wiki's wiki section. :)