Friday, June 1, 2007

Week 2, #3 & 4 - I want it all...NOW!

This has been a very difficult assignment for me. Posting the blog/creating an avatar were not the problem but rather because I want everything to be perfect and look a certain way. I have not yet learned how to make my blog have the spark I want...but it will come.

I have found that Lifelong Learning #1 is going to be an issue. Beginning with an end in mind is easy...not going on those lovely side trips might be. This is not new to me. I need to clean a room, I start out like everyone else, but then I see that SPOT! The one that requires that I clean, that then leads to washing the entire wall, which in turn requires cleaning of all the walls in the room, but now the drapes look dinging next to the lovely clean walls. And so on....


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

What a fun avatar! Yours is the most colorful and fanciful yet! Enjoy.

IrmaPince said...

This journey through technology is filled with delightful side trips. While there is a destination in mind, enjoy the wanderings.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I can absolutely relate to what you said about wanting to get things perfect! That makes it hard when it comes to finally hitting the "publish" button and you know that everyone will see it. You then take a look at the finished product and say to yourself "hmm, if I tweak this here, and put that there...maybe...". But really, it IS perfect!
I like the look of your blog and I love the way you've experimented with collage and bright colors. It's quite striking.